Grace-Filled Thoughts

The Missing Depth of Christian Fellowship

The Missing Depth of Christian Fellowship 0

The early church thrived on fellowship. Paul's letters alone are a testimony to the love and care the earliest Christians showed to one another. We are here to further God's kingdom. That means reaching those who don't know about God and encouraging those who DO know to persevere in their faith. 
Educating Children on the Topics of Marriage, Sex and Intimacy

Educating Children on the Topics of Marriage, Sex and Intimacy 0

For Christian parents to educate their children on the important topics of marriage, sex and intimacy is an essential part of the Biblical teaching to “bring children up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord” Ephesians 6:4
The Art of Empathy in Marriage

The Art of Empathy in Marriage 0

As a Clinical Psychologist for the past 24 years, I have learned to never underestimate the value of empathy. Time and time again clients have told me that the most beneficial aspect of their counseling experience has been the feeling of being fully known and truly valued.
Shifting Focus

Shifting Focus 0

I remember the first time I experienced heartache. In the grand scheme of life, it seems so insignificant, but that moment has gripped me and rules my thoughts. I was in 3rd grade and I was publicly shamed by a classmate during gym class.
  • Olivia Peitsch
A Grandparent's Greatest Challenge

A Grandparent's Greatest Challenge 0

People have a propensity to complain about the youth of today. Throughout history, one can easily find moanings and groanings about these young people and how their attitudes and actions are destroying the very moral fiber of our country. We tend to recall our time of adolescence as a wonderful time of innocence and wonder...
  • Customer Service
5 Ways to Care for Your Pastor

5 Ways to Care for Your Pastor 0

Your pastor has real struggles just like you, but unlike you, their every move is watched and monitored. Their words are examined and critiqued. They are judged more harshly by the world, and unfortunately, by the very people in their church. This can lead to isolation, bitterness, doubt, lack of confidence, and a drained spiritual well. 
  • Olivia Peitsch

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